4 Google Algorithms To Know To Boost An E-commerce Site

The traffic of your e-commerce site is closely linked to the quality of your SEO. Organization of your online store, choice of products, writing of their file and relevance of net linking are essential elements for SEO. Can you explain why? The answer is simple: Google likes them. The Mountain View firm is constantly improving its algorithms related to the indexing of web pages. Understanding how they work and why they were deployed allows you to avoid certain pitfalls and enhance the visibility and profitability of your merchant site. Here are four Google algorithms to learn to boost your e-commerce site.
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Google Panda Content Quality
Launched in 2011, Google Panda is a filter which went through several updates before being integrated into the real-time operation of the algorithm. As Google indexed more and more pages, the firm had to find a way to clean up its index to avoid being invaded by spam. Quality then becomes an important criterion, which must be defined and considered. The main sites in Google’s sights are content farms, content aggregators (legal and illegal), forums and price comparison sites. Penalized, they experience a significant drop in attendance. While the way Google Panda works remains obscure and technical, the direction is obvious. Quality content is favored, the tags used to source the information are valued, and duplicate content is penalized. The product sheets should, therefore, not be neglected.
Google Penguin The Quality Of Net Linking
In 2012, Google launched a new filter, which will also be integrated in real-time, Google Penguin. After cleaning the content with Panda, it is the turn of the links to be screened. Netlinking is essential in an SEO strategy, provided it is relevant. Artificial and poor quality links are now penalized by Google. Unlike Panda, Penguin does not penalize an entire site, does not blocklist it, but directly targets the page concerned. Links bringing nothing to the Internet user via opaque directories, blog comments, or forum interventions are considered poor quality. A good link for Penguin adds value to the user experience. Following the same logic, Google Penguin also fights against over-optimized anchors:
Google Rankbrain Search Intentions
Launched in 2015, Google Rankbrain is now the 3rd criterion for positioning a site, after content and net linking. The goal of the algorithm is to understand the user’s search intent. It was deployed in particular to facilitate voice and conversational searches. As with the previous techniques, machine learning (or automatic learning) is at the heart of this technology. The algorithm understands the purpose of the search and not just the keywords used. The page must contain the request and valuable quality content and related sub-themes. Thus, even if it does not have precisely the key request, a page responding to the same intentions can be well-positioned. Google learns as it searches and does predictive analysis accordingly. Thus, even when the word “buy” is not searched by the user,
Google Pigeon Local SEO
Deployed in 2014 and 2015, Google Pigeon improves search results related to local queries, the most optimized pages will be highlighted. For this, registration with Google My Business is an essential asset. Free, it allows you to reference your company precisely and appear in the Google Maps results in the “local pack”, that is to say, at the top of the results page. For the algorithm to perceive the company’s seriousness, all the information present on the web must be identical. Depending on the sector of activity, registration on sites and social directories such as Yelp, the Yellow Pages or even Trip Advisor is valued by the algorithm on local referencing. Finally, let’s not forget that Google geolocates most of its users.