Coming Up With A Business Name: A Guide

Every business has a unique identity and its name is the first of the elements that define its identity. The name of a business is what people associate with it. Some business names have become iconic. Cadburys is more chocolate than a company name. Similarly, Xerox is the company name but people associate it with photocopying. The business name should be one that is catchy.
A name that can be easily recalled is a good way of promoting the brand. Your business name must be easy to remember and must have some association with the product you offer. If you are confused about how to select a business name, then there is a solution. You can use a business name generator to do so. The article explores various things to know about coming up with a business name, read more.
Table of Contents
First Impression Is The Best
The first impression is the best impression. This is a well-known adage. For a business, the name presents a first impression. The name of the business helps to project an image of the business in the minds of customers. A name that sounds interesting will help customers feel like visiting the store. When a customer is looking for a store, if the name helps him to understand what the business is all about, it creates a favorable impression. This is why naming the store plays an important role.
Getting Started
The first thing you need to do before you think of a name for your business is to make a list of words and phrases that are related to your business. Write them out on a sheet of paper and then you can use this sheet to think of a business name. The words/phrases you write can be answers to the following questions:
- What is the product you are offering?
- What are you using to make your product?
- What is the business need your product will cater to?
- Who is your target customer?
- How can your business solve customer needs?
- What will people feel about your product/service?
- Are there related characters/historical events/places related to your product?
Research Online
Online is where you can do maximum research. Apart from the basic Google search, you can use Google Trends to find out the words and phrases people search for most. For example, if you are in the fashion business, you can use the word fashion to get an idea of what are the words people look for most. This will help you get ideas to name your company.
You can also look for companies that are offering products similar to yours. That will help you get an idea of how others have named your company. Once you think of a name, Google it to find out if someone already is using the name to avoid conflicts and confusion.
Get Ideas
You can be inspired by various sources where you can get ideas for your business name. The dictionary is a good place to start with. You can also use the thesaurus to look for synonyms for a word you have in mind. Look for names from Greek/Roman or other mythology. These names sound exotic and have a meaning that would make sense and can be related to your company name. Consider borrowing words from foreign languages. You can also look at creating a new word by mixing two or three words.
Business Name Generator
A business name generator is a tool that gives you suggestions on how to name your business. You can use a query or a search string containing words that describe your business or your business model. The generator tool will prompt you with suggestions of names for your business. One such tool is Shopify’s business name generator. This tool will help you find a name for your business. The tool tells you if the business name is already used so that you don’t infringe on someone else’s trademark. More importantly, it helps you find a domain name for your business that you can use to make a website. It is a very handy tool to help people get a unique name for their business in under 10 seconds.
The information in this article would have helped you understand the importance of the business name. You can use the business name generator from Shopify to come out with the right name for your business.