Microsoft 70-486 Exam Preparation Guide: The Most In-Demand Study Materials (Practice Tests, Training Courses, Books) For Any Student

It is a known fact that preparation is the most important part of passing any certification exam. A thorough studying can definitely turn the tables on your side and bring you high results in your task.That is why each certification vendor offers its own options of learning, whether it is an instructor-led course or a study guide. Sometimes the providers offer more options than others, and you may ask,what resource should you use for your preparation process? Of course, it will be better to try all of them, but we all know that it is impossible. So, it all depends on you and your preferred style of learning. If you haven’t made up your mind yet, we can help you with this. In this article, we will talk about the most popular ways that the candidates can use during their preparation period for the Microsoft 70-486 exam. But, first of all, let’s look at some details of this test that you definitely need to know before you start.
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What is the Microsoft 70-486 certification exam?
Microsoft 70-486 is one of three available exams for obtaining the MCSA: Web Applications credential. It is an obligatory test, and you need to choose one of the other two along with it. Thus, you can try to take 70-480 with 70-486 or 70-483 with AZ-103, 70-742 98-366 MS-300 MS-500 MS-900 MS-101 PMP CEH CCNP CCIE A+ 220-1002 AWS PDF dumps.
Microsoft 70-486 is a certification exam that evaluates the individual’s knowledge and skills in designing, developing, and troubleshooting ASP.NET. It is a perfect choice for those professional developers who work with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 and have 3 years of experience. You need to be prepared for about 40-60 questions that should be completed within 120 minutes. The price for the 70‑486 certification testis the same as for many other Microsoft associate-level exams – $165.
What topics should you learn for Microsoft 70-486 certification exam?
There are certain exam objectives that you need to master in order to get the necessary skills. Let’s take a closer look at them.
- Application Architecture Design
This topic area takes about 15 to 20 percent of the exam content. You need to know the following:
- Application layer planning;
- Distributed application design;
- Implementation and design of the Azure web app lifecycle;
- Configuration of state management;
- Caching strategy design;
- Web socket design and implementation;
- Interaction with the host environment;
- Use of the pipeline to compose.
- Architecture Deployment
This domain takes about 10 to 15 percent of the entire exam and includes the following:
- Server build strategy design;
- Publishing strategy design;
- Azure deployment strategy design;
- On-premises deployment strategy implementation.
- UX Design
This objective also has about 15-20 percent of the whole test. Its subtopics are given below:
- Creation of elements for a user in the application;
- UI behavior and implementation;
- UI layout design;
- Responsive layout design;
- Mobile UI strategy planning.
- UX Development
About 20% of the exam will cover this subject that includes the following areas:
- Search engine optimization accessibility planning;
- Planning and implementation of globalization and localization;
- Design and implementation of MVC controllers and actions;
- Routes implementation and design;
- Use of MVC extensibility to control applications;
- Serial and model binding design and implementation.
- Web Application Removal and Checkout
This is the biggest exam topic that you need to explore to succeed in Microsoft 70-486 as it can have about 25%. Please consider learning the following subtopics:
- Removal of runtime errors;
- Exceptional handling designing;
- Web application testing;
- Azure application debugging.
- Security Designing and Implementation
Please note that this objective covers up to 20% of the test.Its subtopics are as follows:
- Authentication configuration;
- Authorization configuration;
- Claim based authentication designing and implementation;
- Data integrity management;
- Secure site implementation.
What preparation resources are best suited for Microsoft 70-486 certification exam?
At last, we can talk about the most useful and popular study materials that a lot of applicants use during their preparation phase. Let’s start!
- Instructor-led training courses
This five-day course will help you gain knowledge and skills in developing ASP.NET Core MVC Web Applications and using .NET Core technologies and tools. You will focus on coding activities, which enhance the scalability and performance of the Web site app. You can choose an online version for self-paced learning or attend live classes with an instructor in person or remotely. This is one of the best and unique preparation ways. You can ask multiple questions to your tutor to easily remove any misconceptions and get detailed answers to your questions. Or you can get 3-month access to the course and study at your own speed.
- Study guides
If you don’t like to watch video courses, for some reason, and you want to dig deeper into the exam content by yourself, then the official books are the best option for you. This type of preparation is chosen by not only the bibliophiles but also by other students. Study guides are good partners because you can take them anywhere and anytime. You can buy them a Ref 70-486 guide on Amazon or go for the one from the Microsoft platform.
- Practice tests
In our humble opinion, practice tests are the best way to check your current level of skills and knowledge that you need for Microsoft 70-486. They are the files that contain the questions and answers from the previous exam to know its format, check if you can take your test within the time limit, and understand which topics need more attention. You can find these practice tests on the Examsnap website. They are updated and verified by the qualified professionals. You can take them via the exam simulator that is a peculiar feature of this online platform.
These were the three most popular study materials to use for Microsoft 70-486. You can always utilize them or find some additional ones. The most important thing is to get the required knowledge and be able to pass the test with flying colors. So, it is completely up to you to decide. Good luck with your decision and further learning!