The One Thing to Do When Scaling Your Business

If the pandemic has you reassessing and redirecting your business resources, you may be planning to scale up in a new direction. To do this effectively, the one thing you need access to is rapid expansion capabilities as well as the chance to scale back as you build your customer base for the new service. Flexibility incapacity is key.
Moving to a Managed Private Cloud
If you’re offering a new service, it needs to function immediately and well for existing clients checking out your new product or service. This means that all the features must be in place and ready to roll on the launch date, including easy access to additional managed cloud servers when needed.
Per Joe Oesterling, Chief Technology Officer at Liquid Web, “the ability to rent the spike, or make a temporary increase in capacity while needed and scale up with permanent purchases after launch, will reduce your needed immediate investment in private cloud capacity.”
Features to Consider
A private cloud service can help you by providing your business with bundled technology packages. If you have the time and the capacity to dig into the bundles and do some cherry-picking, by all means, find a managed private cloud provider who can help you customize your selections. Managed cloud servers should be easily added if necessary. If you’re busy designing apps or prepping for a launch, a working bundle is a great choice to start.
If you bump up against the edges of what your bundle can do, then contact your team for information on boosting access to more managed cloud servers, either on a temporary or a permanent basis. Quality control and excellent customer service professionals should be keeping an eye on what your use levels are and any possible bumps you need to make to increase capacity.
Rapid Scaling: Other Resources
In addition to increasing access to managed cloud servers quickly, outsourcing services can free up your focus. The ability to outsource personnel support and scale quickly is easiest to do from the support side. Your creative employee base needs your focus; while there may be some in-house support staff that you want to select more carefully, take a look at what support you can outsource.
Do you want to choose all of your design and engineering people? Fine, but find freelancers to cover data entry, transcribe meetings, and complete other projects that you need but don’t need right now.
Keep personnel decisions in-house, but outsource payroll. This is critical when you’re hiring in new people and are hunting for talent. An outsourced payroll team won’t be taking anyone’s salary personally or causing disruption in the office by leaving a file open in just the wrong spot.
Other outsourcing options include lead generation, copywriting, and inventory management. If the financial analysis is what gets your brain firing on all cylinders, keep doing that. Always consider the highest and best use when assigning tasks, especially to yourself.
Staying flexible is the key to expanding your business. Hiring the best and brightest won’t help if they face nothing but rigidity and challenges when they arrive. Product launches must be prepped with flexible scaling opportunities that you can ramp up into permanent features when things take off.
Also Read: Digital Talent – How Is It Managed?