What Is content://com.android.browser.home/?

If you are looking for the search term content://com.android.browser.home/ then you are at a perfect place. Do you have an Android device and do not know how to configure the homepage of your browser? Do not worry in this post we will tell you what you should do so that you can configure the home page in your mobile browser.
What Is content://com.android.browser.home/
content://com.android.browser.home/ is called as a home page browser for an android device. on the web there are many different browsers which are similar to content com android browser home they are:
Google Chrome Browser
Mozilla Firefox Browser
Opera browser
Tor Browser
Dolphin Browser
Safari Browser
These are the famous browsers that we got on the internet and widely used by the users over worldwide mostly but the content com android browser is somewhat different from these browse in our blog we mentioned clearly how to set up this one as the default browser in our android browser.
How To Setup The Content Com Android Browser Home?
Most of the mobiles with Android operating system, have Chrome’s default browser, however, the configuration that we will show below works for most of the native browsers that have Android mobiles. Here in this blog we provided the detailed process step by step of how to configure the home page of your browser. The only thing you need to do is follow the steps that we mentioned below properly.
- The process starts by opening the browser that brings the Android device by default.
- Once you open the default browser you must select the “Menu” option. This option is the three points that are in the upper right of the browser.
- Then you must scroll in the menu that is reflected and select the option of “configuration”. Or You can follow another process of opening the browser and type: content://com.android.browser.home/
- Various settings will be shown on the screen. The one you have to select is the one that says “General” which is the general settings option. Select that general option.
- Then you must go to the option “Set homepage” and in case you have the configuration in English it would be the section called “Set Homepage”.
- Then you must move to the option of “Other”. Once this is done you can enter the URL manually.
- Then you can enter the URL manually of the page you want to use as default. Usually www.google.com is used, however, you can place one of your choices.
- To finish once the URL is entered you must click on the option that says Ok and saves the configuration.
With these steps, you will have the home page of your Android browser configured.
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