Smart Shopping – Campaign Operation And Keys

Do you know the smart shopping campaigns? Google Ads, a paid ad management platform, allows the creation of different types of campaigns, each with specific characteristics.
The campaigns smart shopping smart began to gain importance in 2018. This is automated campaigns that offer a lot of possibilities for optimization, achieving truly remarkable results. In addition, they are a combination of conventional and display remarketing campaigns.
Requirements for smart shopping campaigns
The campaigns Google shopping smart is offering great results to a large number of e-commerce since they get to increase the conversion rate and obtain a return on investment.
If you want to start applying smart shopping campaigns, it is important that you have a worked feed and that it complies with the relevant standards. In addition, you must meet a series of requirements :
– Conversion tracking settings.
– Add a global tag to the web page.
– Have a minimum of conversions and have a remarketing list with about 100 users who are active.
Benefits and operation of smart shopping campaigns
Once you have these requirements, it is important that you know the advantages that this type of campaign can offer you for e-commerce.
The digital marketing of intelligent e-commerce is based on the collection of data and the analysis of the information of the users that is accumulated in order to develop specific actions aimed at the target audience.
It is very important that they are focused on the right people, whether they are agencies or companies. These can be very useful for small and medium-sized companies since they allow optimization practically alone and do not require the creation of extensive structures. In addition, in the case of agencies, they allow us to focus more on the strategic part and reduce control in this work.
The smart shopping works well if it comes to campaigning with exclusive products of a brand or if you work at competitive prices. In these cases, a very high ROAS can be obtained. For this, it is highly recommended to select a series of products from the web. That is, they are featured or star products and do the campaign with them and not with all of the websites.
A recommendation is to pause this type of campaign since it will be imposed on impressions to other standard shopping. In this way, it will be adjusted to the market figures.
Five key aspects to have a smart online store
Converting a conventional online store into a smart one is a complex task since it consists of adapting all areas of the company. From marketing to administration and customer service. That implies changes and adaptations.
It is important to have an expert who is capable of developing and implementing the appropriate strategies that adapt to the new business model. You have to take into account the data management of e-commerce and make strategic decisions.
E-commerce intelligent requires the implementation of new technological tools that are advanced in SEO, conversion, and business management :
- Store integration
Having an online store and managing it properly goes beyond installing a management program and uploading a database of all the products on the website. It is necessary to achieve a store integration. In other words, make it interconnected with management systems, networks, CRM, and other key aspects. It is about getting a good customer experience and integrating all communication channels to have a strategic and global vision.
- Constant analysis and measurement
The marketing actions that are carried out are not developed spontaneously, at least most of them. It is about strategically thinking actions that have a good impact and then measuring their results based on a detailed KPI plan . It is essential to measure the results through advanced analytical tools, plan improvement plans, reduce errors and monitor everything possible to achieve the best performance from the indicators.
In the world of e-commerce, all the information that is collected deserves to be analyzed in order to optimize conversions. It is necessary to measure influence before making changes without knowing exactly what the results will be.
- Anticipate the market
We are at a time when the market does not stop changing and you have to make the right decisions at the right time. It is important to adapt to trends in order to be the first to implement them. As well as studying the behavior and data of consumers, interpreting the information obtained.
The key is to continually search for new business opportunities, products, services … Also to develop strategies and actions adapted to current times. In addition, it is essential to point out the important dates of the calendar to prepare powerful strategies on days such as Black Friday, Christmas … among other indicated dates. Also, a campaign launched in these stages can help you develop your smart store.
- The role of ROI is key in the campaign
The return on investment is an aspect that is essential to keep an eye on since all electronic commerce must take into account the profits and ensure that the return is positive. For this, it is important to plan the objectives and base the strategies on their achievement.
- Continuous study of the competition and its actions
Analyzing the actions of the competition, which is known as benchmarking, is currently necessary in any company. Carrying out analyzes, investigations, and comparisons taking into account different areas is a very important task. It is not necessary to copy but to get inspiration and see how to sell and plan from competitors within the same sector. In this way, a differential value is also learned and can be achieved. There are companies that are really a benchmark in prices, products, customer service … and it is highly recommended to analyze how they work to learn from them.
Consequently, you must get down to work and professionally work on smart shopping campaigns.