How Social Networking Sites Affects Students Academic Performance

According to some psychological research, two-thirds of respondents believe that the use of social networks is associated with social isolation and a feeling of loneliness. A meta-analysis of the Facebook depression relations group shows that the overuse of social networks leads to depression. The interplay between Facebook use, social comparison, envy, depression, and increased social anxiety is demonstrated among the respondents.
However, social networks, as well as academic essay writing services, can also help in studying. Such professional custom writing companies like help students perform essays and papers and so help overcome stress and overload.
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How to Deal with the Harmful Effects of Social Networks on a Student?
Of course, you can simply put away the phone or tablet, forbidding yourself to use social networks in general or use the program to block social networks. But, believe us, this is not an option. This will not only not give the desired effect but also significantly worsen the situation. It will be best to realize that you should not spend all your free time sitting at the computer because this negatively affects development and health.
Tips to Use Social Networks Safely for Health and Studying
Limit the Use of Social Networks
Abuse of social networks can distract from pressing affairs and interfere with personal communication. You will be much closer to your friends and relatives if you set a certain time of the day to communicate with them directly by turning off notifications on your smartphone (or by switching it to flight mode).
Try not to check what’s going on in your phone during joint dinners with family or friends, during games with children or talking with loved ones. Make sure that social networks do not interfere with your work, distracting you from complex projects or negotiations with colleagues. And finally, do not keep the smartphone near the bed: it disturbs sleep.
Pay Attention to Your Well-being
Experiment with your well-being. Open your favorite social networks at different times of the day and evaluate how it affects you. For example, you may find that a few short openings during the day give you vivacity and mood, and a 45-minute roll of the tape once a day, on the contrary, is tiresome. If you feel like you’re overwhelmed and tired after sitting on Facebook until midnight the next day, just don’t go there late at night. Fortunately, there are applications that help you control yourself.
Please note that people who consume social media content passively, just browsing other users’ posts and not posting anything on their own, feel worse than those who constantly post something themselves.
Set Up Digital Detox
Digital detoxification is the time when you take a break from using social networks. Several studies have shown that even a five-day or weekly withdrawal from Facebook can reduce stress.
Use Social Networks with a Clear Purpose
If you use Twitter every morning, think about how practical it is. Are you doing this to get the latest news, or to escape from boring reality? Do you have a habit of starting flipping Instagram feeds whenever you face a difficult task at work?
Be tough and honest with yourself.
Every time you check social networks on a smartphone or computer, ask the question: “Why did I decide to do this now?” Accustom yourself to go to Twitter only when you need news, to Facebook – when you need to connect with some person, and so on. A social network is a tool that should serve a specific purpose.
Control the Number of Subscriptions
Surely from the time you registered on social networks, you have accumulated a bunch of online friends and also subscribed to many channels and news sources. You are still interested in some of this content but most posts only litter the feed and cause annoyance.
It’s time to unsubscribe from unnecessary users on social networks, and then delete or hide friends with whom you do not communicate.
Prefer real communication
Using Facebook to keep abreast of your cousin’s life is not so bad. But only if you do not forget to visit him live at least once every few months. Chatting with a colleague is also quite exciting but make sure that the messages do not replace your conversation face to face.
With thoughtful and deliberate use, Social Networks can be a useful addition to your life but only live communication with the interlocutor sitting opposite you can satisfy a person’s need for communication. Without this, you will still feel lonely and experience negative emotions.
Also Read: How To Delete Data From Social Networks