Tips To Take A Business Project Into Public

Presenting a business project is quite a challenge. You can have the best project but if you don’t know how to transmit it or communicate it, nobody will know that it exists.
Every project needs to attract resources and convince investors, clients, and other supports to join or support the project.
For this, it is not enough to have a good project or idea, but it is key to communicate it correctly to attract the interest and attention of the target audience and gain their trust.
YOu must know how to publicize your project so that the idea reaches others correctly.
Do not let your idea forget as soon as you present it.
During all our years of study we have been prepared for many things, but not to make presentations and know how to communicate.
And if we are already talking about presenting an entrepreneurial project with the nerves that that entails, there we are completely lost.
And believe me, it doesn’t matter if you are the CEO, CFO, CTO, CIO or CMO of a company.
Some people innately communicate better, but not everyone was born to stand in front of an audience and be able to transmit the message that is so clear in their minds.
We risk a lot when we present our company project, so we are going to prepare it as it deserves.
Will it take time to prepare?
Yes, of course, but think if with what you have invested in your project, it is not worth the effort to make your presentation stand out from the rest and give you a chance.
When you go to plan the presentation of your project, it is very important that you take into account who you are going to present it to and what the objective is to achieve, in this way you can emphasize one or the other aspects when making the presentation.
Let’s see what you have to take into account when planning the presentation of your business project.
Table of Contents
5 Things you have to keep in mind when preparing a project presentation
You are sure that you must prepare an impressive presentation to present a project, but before you get down to work with the presentation, there are a number of things you should consider :
- What objective do you pursue with the presentation
- Who are you presenting it to (audience)
- What is your elevator pitch
- How are you going to communicate it
- How are you going to translate it into a presentation
- Let’s review how to present a project in public.
When you are going to make a company presentation what you want is to arouse the interest of the people you are going to speak to so that you can achieve a second contact.
This presentation is just the beginning of what you intend a long relationship to be and therefore requires you to prepare it thoroughly.
With this objective or objectives, you can design the strategy to follow.
You must transmit the project in an attractive, direct, simple way and with security and conviction to achieve your goal: that second date.
2) Audience
It is very important that you are clear to whom you are going to present your company.
A presentation that you are going to make to investors is not the same as a presentation that you want to give about the subject that you dominate.
To present your business project you can find three types of audiences :
Investors: you will have to focus on the return and the basic investment figures.
Clients: technical details of the product, prices, and form of contracting are important data that you will need to present to your clients.
Presentation: focus on exposing your value proposition in a fun way.
Depending on your audience and your objectives, you should prepare your presentation, both at the support level (PowerPoint or similar) and at the exposure level.
3) Prepare your elevator pitch
Your elevator pitch must always be prepared since with it we express our value proposition in a very short time.
You never know when you are going to have the opportunity to explain your idea to someone, so, prepare your elevator pitch and always take it with you.
But what is an elevator pitch?
It is assumed that an elevator pitch should not last more than two minutes (which takes an elevator to go down from the second floor, time in which you should have time to present your business idea).
But, why is it so important to have your elevator pitch ready?
Very simple, because if you have a clear and structured way of expressing your value proposition in a couple of minutes, you will have no problem structuring the rest of the presentation around this central idea.
4) Communication
You already know what you want, who you are going to present it to and your clear business idea.
Well, now it is very important that you know how to communicate it, both with the presentation that you have prepared for support and with your language, both verbal and non-verbal.
Be consistent with all types of communication: voice, language, body, movement, and presentation. Effective communication is about connecting, sharing a message with ideas and emotions.
5) Presentation
When preparing the presentation you should focus on two things :
How to make a professional presentation?
There are some basic rules that you should not skip. Let’s review the ideas to present a project and be heard :
1) Use a professional design: forget about the predesigned templates and look for a professional that adapts to your image and what you want to say.
2) Look at the design: be consistent with the fonts, colors, and images you use in your presentation.
3) Do not fill them with text. The presentation is a visual support for what you want to communicate, but it is that: visual support, do not forget. Use conceptual images, headlines, but don’t write long paragraphs that no one will read.
4) Remember your main message and transmit it throughout the presentation. Everything must revolve around this main idea.
5) Use metaphors if the topic is complex
If you want to learn more about this topic in this post I explain how to make a good PowerPoint presentation.
What structure should have a presentation of a business project?
Well, now we will approach the base structure that you should not forget when preparing your presentation. A small guide so you don’t miss anything when preparing your presentation.
How to present a business or entrepreneurship project in 12 steps
You are clear about your objective, you know that your idea is good, but now you must convince others that it is.
But how should a project be presented?
You must demonstrate that your idea is viable, that it makes sense in the market, you must generate confidence in it by minimizing the perception of risk, demonstrate that it is scalable, and above all, achieve your goal: a second date. Okay, and how do I organize all this information without risking too much or too little?
Let’s see how to present a project to a company or a client.
➡ 1) Start of presentation
If we are clear that it is the opportunity to present our idea and that we are playing a lot, I think that starting with your presentation without further ado will not attract anyone’s attention.
Let’s use the first few seconds of the presentation to get your attention: ask a rhetorical question, use a shocking statistic, a famous quote. Choose this principle that arouses the people who are going to listen to you. Of course, it has to do with your idea, but it starts different, strong, attractive.
➡ 2) Title / Presentation
They have already raised their heads to listen to you and you can go to introduce yourself.
Give your exhibition/idea a title, and say who you are, where you came from, what your motivation is, etc.
Convey your values as you introduce yourself, don’t just stay in the name, you are something else: your idea, your conviction, your passion.
The idea that has led you to put yourself in front of them is the one that you must convey throughout the presentation.
➡ 3) Problem / Opportunity
Now yes, in this you have to expose what you offer, and for your idea to have value you will have to explain what problem or need your idea solves.
State the problem, if possible with a short story, and then explain how your idea solves this problem.
It may sound strange to you about the story, but surely you have come to your idea because when you went to do something you did not find the product or way to do it and you said: “I can solve this myself”.
➡ 4) Value proposition
What comes now is the question of And why you and not someone else?
What is your value proposition? What makes you different from the rest? Why do they have to choose you and not someone else?
Surely this you have had to answer on more than one occasion in the typical job interview because it is the same, but with the difference that now you are defending an idea that you believe in, right?
Well, get your passion out and show what your differential value is.
➡ 5) The product
Describe your product, the one you offer to solve the problem presented.
The more visual you are the better: less text and more diagrams or diagrams, if you have a better prototype.
It is very important that you talk about the benefits of your product, not its characteristics.
Focus on what your product does for the user to make a profit.
➡ 6) Business model
You have to briefly explain the key aspects of how you will earn money with your idea:
This part is one of the most important in terms of how to present a project to a company.
It is the one that will give credibility to the study you have made of your idea.
- What are the key resources?
- What alliances can you establish?
- What is your global marketing strategy: explain how you are going to reach the customer, what channels are you going to use, with what messages, what are your abilities to do so.
- What motivations will lead customers to buy? How will you get to them
- How will you promote your product?
- What pricing strategy are you going to follow? What about the sales strategy?
- What is the cost and income structure?
➡ 7) The market
Your business will depend on the market you are targeting, so the time has come for them to know who they are.
Describe your target market. Who is your buyer persona or target audience?
- Who are they?
- How many?
- What are your interests?
- How do they behave?
➡ 8) Competitive analysis
If there is no competition, the market you are targeting may not be highly developed yet.
Talk about your competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and how you are going to position yourself in the market. Use this analysis to present the advantages of your proposal.
Highlight the main competitors and tell how they are solving the needs of the market and highlight why you do it differently and better.
➡ 9) Team
Describe the key players on your team. It describes the current team and presents what needs it has and how to solve them.
➡ 10) Financial projection and key metrics
Analyze the possibilities that your product has at the growth level. It provides a three-year plan, both in money and in anticipation of customers and conversion.
➡ 11) Current status, milestones and use of the investment
If your project is already active, count the status of the project, the history in concrete data and the numbers that have been obtained. Present the current status of your product or idea:
- What actions have you taken so far?
- At what cost?
- What have been the results obtained?
Growth strategy: Explain how the near future is presented and how you will use the money you want to get with the investment: equipment, technology, etc. How are you going to grow? How are those indicators going to increase?
➡ 12) Close
Conclude with the key idea, with what you want them to remember.
You have presented a lot of data and now you must go back to the beginning and remember what you are there for. Summarize your main milestones. Pick up your message and finally make a call to action, invite them to want to continue knowing more about you.
8 Tips to present a business project that impacts
You have a few minutes to convince the investor of your dreams that your project is a guaranteed success. Convincing is one of the biggest challenges for any entrepreneur.
I am going to give you some tips to help you succeed in first impressions and to avoid the most common mistakes that entrepreneurs make during presentations.
➡ 1) Give the public a reason to serve you.
Arouse their curiosity. This is why the beginning is so important. Offer a piece of information or quote that arouses your curiosity.
➡ 2) Limit the talk to an idea and explain it.
Let that idea be the common thread. It starts and ends with it. Focus on how you can make people’s lives easier or better. Transmit your value proposition.
➡ 3) Build the idea from concepts that your audience understands.
Use metaphors if the idea is complex. Don’t let them lose interest in using abstract concepts or that your audience doesn’t understand. Use metaphors if necessary to explain complex concepts.
➡ 4) Build trust and credibility in your audience.
You have to build trust and credibility, so use data that makes you more credible:
- Use evidence to give credibility to your claims.
- Use the images as a bridge between the logical and the emotional.
- Repeat the central idea many times
➡ 5) Be passionate about your project
The success of a presentation depends largely on the enthusiasm of the person presenting it. Be passionate. Convey enthusiasm and enthusiasm for your project. Show that you believe in him.
➡ 6) Don’t forget the emotions
People buy for emotion, not logic, so touch the emotions of your audience. It is easier for them to remember what you made them feel than what you told them.
➡ 7) That the presentation does not end (appointments, distribute leaflets, etc.)
You are not going to tell everything, you are briefly explaining your idea with the key points to get a second date and be able to continue with the project. Distribute brochures when the presentation ends with the key ideas and also leave your contact.
➡ 8) Prepare well
I have left it for the end, but it is the most important thing. Rehearse, because if you rehearse you will calm the nerves. Rehearse because then you can fit the times well
- Rehearse and look for possible questions they may ask you because that will prevent you from going blank.
- Preparing the presentation will not take away your spontaneity.
- Prepare your presentation as it deserves, do not play it blank.