Advantages Of Amazon Web Services

Advantages Of Amazon Web Services

AWS: Benefits Of Amazon Hybrid Cloud

All the keys mentioned above are part of the DNA of the Amazon Web Services platform, a set of cloud services that offer important storage, network, and database options, on-demand, and available in a matter of minutes.

And it is that versatility is one of the main characteristics of AWS, which has a wide range of services ready for SMEs, startups, and large corporations to have access to multiple tools that solve from the simplest tasks to more advanced management procedures daily business.

But its benefits are much broader and we could define these advantages as the fundamental keys of AWS:

  • Flexible Expenses: Instead of having to invest large amounts in expanding the local data center and buying physical servers, with the Amazon cloud, it is possible to pay only when computing resources are consumed and only pay the corresponding amount. It is also important to take into account the savings that AWS represents in the cost of energy since by not using local physical infrastructure, consumption decreases exponentially.
  • Scalability: When implementing a technological architecture, it is very common to end up being left with idle resources that we do not use or with insufficient capacity in the equipment. With AWS cloud computing, these problems are eliminated, since it is possible to gradually access each application or service, eliminating or expanding functions until the platform efficiently solves every need, without falling short or going overboard.
  • Speed And Agility: Resources hosted in cloud environments are available at the click of a mouse, so their immediacy and availability are absolute. This translates into a great increase in the productivity of the organization since the time and cost that the development and integration of the systems usually imply are much less.
  • Adaptability: Migrating from AWS to the cloud does not require extensive knowledge of new systems, or complicated techniques. It is enough to have the correct advice and support during the process.
  • Mobility: If we are looking for an environment that is always working and which we can access from anywhere, Amazon’s cloud services are the answer to this need. The technology itself facilitates access from different devices at any time.
  • Security: AWS includes among its advanced tools options for data backup and backups, to ensure business continuity and performance. A total guarantee of our business continuity and performance.
  • Comfort: Having a cloud-based IT system eliminates all the obligations required to manage an infrastructure of this type. Everything we need will be found remotely, so the efforts of companies will be focused only on business development.


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