Top Most Common Types Of Cyberattacks

The cyber attacks are becoming more frequent and in some cases, are more and more dangerous, attacking diversity of targets with a handful of purposes (all malicious, of course).
Cyberattack is understood as any type of offensive maneuver from one or more teams to a device, multiple devices or complete networks. We can distinguish two types of attack: those in which the objective is to disable the target device or leave it out of combat; those in which the objective is to gain access to the data of the target device and, perhaps, to obtain administrator privileges on that device.
The Most Common Types Of Cyberattacks Today?
Within these two major “trunk” categories of cyberattacks, there are a number of types of canonical attacks that, as expected, do not have to be isolated in the new ways of carrying out cyber attacks. That is, we start from these “ingredients” and we can combine them to result in new ways to attack targets.
- The malware is a type of attack as general as possible, it is a bounded way of saying “malicious software.” Within the malware, we find viruses, Trojans, worms and many other forms, which are characterized by a modus operandi in which their replication is always present along with one or more devices. Malware can cause the device or network not to work, or grant the attacker permission to control the system remotely.
- Phishing also is known as phishing, is a set of techniques designed to trick the recipient of a message to guide it towards a series of steps that will end up in the infection of its systems, or in the theft of data, credentials or identities.
- Denial of service: The philosophy of these attacks is to consume so much bandwidth in the network that you want to compromise that it loses connectivity to the network and, therefore, stops serving its customers.
- Ransomware a type of malware specialized in disabling devices until any requirement by criminals is satisfied. Normally, the attacker encrypts the data on the target devices and demands a payment to provide the decryption key.
- Man in the middle is a method by which attackers manage to secretly interpose between the user and a web service they are trying to access.
- SQL injection: an attack whereby a criminal can exploit a vulnerability to take control of his victims’ database.
- Zero-day exploits: These attacks exploit the vulnerabilities present in software that has not yet been detected by the developer and, therefore, have not been fixed.
- Cryptojacking: a specialized attack that makes the device of another person do the job of generating cryptocurrencies. The attackers will install malware or execute JavaScript code in the victim’s browser.
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